(English) The West

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Lĩnh vực sáng tạo
Chiến lược thương hiệu, Bộ nhận diện thương hiệu, Signage, Naming

(English) Background and Introduction
The West, previously known as Bamboo Airways Tower, is a prominent office and retail hub located in the Cau Giay District of Hanoi. Following its acquisition by Gateway Hanoi in October 2022, the building underwent significant renovations and rebranding to align with its new vision and strategic goals. The rebranding process aimed to create a brand identity that reflects the building’s prime location, modern facilities, and commitment to international standards—a place specially designed to enhance the work-life experience. PurpleAsia cooperated with Gateway Hanoi to deliver this project in a shortened timeframe.

Brand Positioning
With a vision to create a space for the business community to come together and inspire one another to develop to their full potential, we positioned The West as a well-connected, commercial, and modern office and retail centre. We placed heavy emphasis on the professional management responsible for upholding international standards at the forefront of change in the capitol.

Naming and Logo Rationale
The new name, ‘The West’, was strategically chosen to emphasise the building’s location on the western edge of Hanoi. This name highlights the geographic position and symbolises its position within the gateway to the western part of the city. It is a bold and straightforward name that resonates with local and international audiences, making it easy to remember and recognise.

The logo was designed to reflect its location-based name. It features bold symbols that emphasise the building’s location in the city, which makes it easily recognisable for anyone who sees it.

The West’s rebranding has successfully transformed it into a premier office and retail hub in Hanoi. By emphasising its strategic location, professional management, and international standards, The West has become a market leader, meeting the needs of both domestic and international businesses.

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